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How to raise Responsible kids

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Parenting - Raising Responsible kids

In continuation to parenting today series, this is 6th post describing how to raise responsible, self learning kidsYou can read my previous post here

As we make our-self busy with balancing usual work and making time for parenting, we tend to forget old ways of life. We get so busy taking care of kids; we forget to teach them how to take care of own self.
“As a popular saying goes, Good parenting is not what you teach kids to do for you but it is rather what you teach them to do for themselves “

Lead by example

By taking care I mean inculcating in them the life skills that will be help them lead a good life. Simple things like being responsible, discipline, organizing, sharing work and understanding how to be part of family.

The Right AGE

 Now for small kids we do not mean to aim high, but starting early is the key. From very young kids are great observers and learners. They learn about family relationships and how their family functions. Being involved in household chores understanding different responsibilities is one way they can learn. When children contribute to family, it also helps them feel competent /responsible and a sense of accomplishment. Sharing the housework also means less stress for mothers and clean home.

 Most parents are confused what is the right age for them to start? Mostly by 18 months you can start with self-feeding and later self-dressing. Some kids as they grown pick by observation and don’t need to be taught specifically on tasks. But many kids don't as they get use to of being taken care off, fed, bathed, and walked well past the leaning age. So it is important that children should be taught these skills at the right age to help them slowly understand. Also It is important not to aim to high as kid could do task suitable for their age only. Start with teaching in small steps. First step to be followed for couple of days before moving on to the next step. For example teaching kids getting ready for dinner would involve 1)Washing hands 2)Drying hands 3) Putting a Bib 4) Sitting in correct position. Similarly self-feeding would start with learning how to hold things like glass/ spoon and then slowly getting to their use will make learning easy .Other health and grooming related tasks should also be taught simultaneously.

 Make time / Let Them Help You /Learn to Share

Plan in advance for some extra time for the activity you are teaching. One situation we face every day is that morning times are usually the rushed ones with everyone getting ready for work/ school. Try and plan for kid to do at-least one task every day to start with. Teach kids time management.  When you have time for tasks like organizing toys/ cleaning the room, try not to give kids time and not be pushy all the time. Tell kids about teamwork, how everyone can divide the big work in small steps and work together to finish it.

Appreciate their work and  Praise Them 

Encourage your children by tell them they did the fine job and they time and again keep helping mama with small things. Kids love to do things which interest them and do which they don’t feel it is work like washing vegetables, arranging kitchen, watering your garden, giving your pet a bath. Let kids help with tasks they like.

 Make a Routine 

Parenting and routines go hand in hand. Teach kids the few things which really must be done and are not really counted as work like self-grooming, brushing teeth, combing etc. I have highlighted how routines are important in parenting my mentioned post

Make few Rules 

Start with “keep it back rule”. Teach kids that things must be returned to the places where they are picked from after use. Teach them importance of grooming, washing hands, keeping clean room and clean closet. Make few rules around you, like no kids’ stuff in other rooms, No playing over the sofa, No dirty clothes on the floor etc. Teach them basics like brushing the teeth leads to no germs, clean clothes makes you look good, if you share your toys you will get more new ones etc. Don’t entertain “no” or whining if kids do not want to do their tasks, Be strict sometimes. Kids must learn to do things on their own ,self-learning is a very important life skill and helpful in elder kids educational learning

We all want our kids to grow up to be self-confident, Independent and solve their own problems …The early we begin the better it is…

You can also read raising environment friendly kids here 

                                                                                                        - Spell and Charm

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